Investor Centre



Our people are the core of Sonic Healthcare’s success as one of the world’s largest medical diagnostic companies.  We now employ over 40,000 people internationally - and the concept of “Building on the Strengths of our People” is central to our culture. 

We have a responsibility to ensure that our people are able to enjoy a work-life balance, are provided with opportunities to develop professionally and are assured of Sonic Healthcare’s concern in promoting their health and safety.

Sonic is committed to guarding the health, safety and wellbeing of its employees, labour-hire employees, contractors and visitors by preventing injuries and illnesses in the workplace.  We give effect to this commitment with the implementation and continual review of the Sonic WHS System and SonicSAFE Improvement Program.  Both the Management System and the Improvement Program run in parallel across the company.

The overall strategy focuses on a positive safety culture and proactive safety management to prevent injuries and illnesses wherever possible.  This strategy is enacted through the Sonic WHS Policy, by undertaking a review of resources allocated to our safety strategy and via Senior Management’s strong emphasis on the measurement and review of safety key performance indicators. 

The SonicSAFE Improvement Program is aimed at achieving a zero-harm workplace.

We all wish to enjoy our lifestyles to the full with the people most important in our lives. To do this, we must help each other remain safe at work.

The SonicSAFE Improvement Program is based on our corporate priority that each of us take personal responsibility for what we do.  It makes each of us accountable for our own safety, the safety of our co-workers and the safety of our patients when they are in our care.  The SonicSAFE Improvement Program is based on the premise that we all should take our safety personally.

Developing a Culture of Safety is paramount in reducing workplace incidents.  The SonicSAFE Improvement Program is based on a staged approach of exploration, discovery, engagement and review.  This program is central to our corporate five-year WHS Strategic Plan.